Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Bonus Recording: Steve on CX Superheroes with Christopher Brooks
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Last week, Steve had a talk with Christopher Brooks of the Customer Experience Superheroes podcast. The discussion covered a wide array of topics from technology adoption during the pandemic, to how businesses have adapted to service new modes of communication, to how the millennial group views communication, and to how Steve believes the world is built on a consumer-based approach to relations. All extremely fun - so let's listen in!
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Exploring Human Voice and Simulation Training: Nancy Munro
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Nancy Munro is a true pioneer of the contact center world. She has revolutionized the space with simulation training solutions that kickstart agent productivity and help them get that deer-in-the-headlights moment that many of them simply need before they start taking real calls with real people. The virtual, remote call center is here, and Nancy's products are essential for adaptability in this new work environment. Dive into our discussion on speech analytics and emotion analytics in First Contact: Stories of the Call Center, Episode 9 of Season 1.
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Bonus Recording: Steve on The Sage Executive Podcast with Fernando Corona
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Recently, Steve sat down with Fernando Corona of the Sage Executive Podcast. Here's the result of that: an honest discussion about how Steve approaches management, how NobelBiz grew to where it is today, how we celebrate our successes, and many other topics in between. For more episodes from Fernando, be sure to check out his LinkedIn. For more about Steve, just go to NobelBiz.com and search for Steve Bederman.
Friday Aug 21, 2020
The Lifelong Dream of Customer Support: Roy Atkinson
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
With a career as diverse as his, it's a wonder how he ended up in the contact center space. But he did and we're all thankful for it! HDI's Lifetime Achievement Honoree and an overall incredible person we're honored to talk to: Roy Atkinson is our guest this episode. He's had some of the most interesting jobs ever, he's been in a band, he's an all-around tech guy, but if there's one thing he stands by and swears by, it's offering people support. In his words, that's been his driver all his life. So let's listen in on another fascinating story. This is First Contact: Stories of the Call Center, Episode 8 of Season 1.
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Growing Up in a Call Center: Thomas Laird
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Possibly the single most interesting exception to the whole "working in a call center was my college job" thing, Thomas Laird is a business leader that started "working" in a call center at age 9, helping his parents. Many years later, Tom heads his own hundreds-of-agents-strong call center with refreshing wit and wisdom, presenting an innovative approach to problems that plagued the industry for ages. This is First Contact, Stories of the Call Center, Episode 7 of Season 1.
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Bonus Recording: Steve on Telecom Reseller with Doug Green
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Wednesday Jul 15, 2020
Want to learn about how inbound/outbound volumes are doing during the pandemic? Just hit play. Recently, Steve sat down to talk with Doug Green of Telecom Reseller about the outlook of contact centers during and post-pandemic. His insights are unique because they come from an insider who not only knows what he's talking about, but also cares deeply about his company, the industry, and the businesses we service here at NobelBiz.
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Truth-Telling in the Age of Robocalls: Rebekah Johnson
Friday Jun 26, 2020
Friday Jun 26, 2020
When you're in the industry famed for robocalls, it's difficult to advocate for legal actors that do robocalls. Rebekah Johnson is the no-bs voice that speaks truth to power when it comes to robocalls, contact centers, and keeping the space healthy and accessible for companies while rooting out the bad actors. Hear about her work and her solutions to today's problems right here! This is First Contact, Stories of the Call Center, Episode 6 of Season 1.
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Bonus Recording: Steve on Contact Center Insights with Nancy Munro
Friday Jun 05, 2020
Friday Jun 05, 2020
And now a break from our usual programming. Here's a short bit of Steve Bederman, CEO of NobelBiz, in conversation with Nancy Munro of Verbal Transactions on her podcast Contact Center Insights. Nancy Munro, CEO of Verbal Transactions has a long history of deploying enterprise learning solutions. Currently, she helps contact centers get their agents up to speed through the use of her immersive contact center simulator ACES.
Friday May 29, 2020
The Emotionally Intelligent Leader: Jim Rembach
Friday May 29, 2020
Friday May 29, 2020
Jim Rembach had a long journey in the contact center space, then he got out. He took a few years to realize he wanted back in. So he returned and went all in. Christian sat down with Jim and went back to the basics: how does an emotional intelligence certified specialist go about being a leader in a contact center. Amidst a global pandemic especially. This is First Contact, Stories of the Call Center, Episode 5 of Season 1.
Friday Apr 24, 2020
What Makes a True Leader: Christa Heibel
Friday Apr 24, 2020
Friday Apr 24, 2020
What does one of the top consultants in the contact center market do when the world is faced with a global pandemic? Rise above. Christa Heibel gives her advice on what contact centers need to do now. As a leader of the industry and president of CH Consulting, she's in a top position to give advice on this complicated issue and how we can better prepare for the future. This is First Contact, Stories of the Call Center, Episode 4 of Season 1.

First Contact: Stories of the Call Center
Because no one pictures themselves working at a call center, First Contact: Stories of the Call Center is a monthly podcast about how tech leaders and entrepreneurs found their way into the call center industry. Host Christian Montes poses questions about their life, their struggles and successes, and most importantly- how and why did they end up with a headset on.

Your Host: Christian Montes
Executive Vice President Client Operations
There’s a sense of combination of mindfullness and being able to be in the moment. It seems there are a lot of people that are looking at the edge and they’re not looking to join.
So from a business perspective I think no one woke up and said “I’m going to own a call center. I wanna run a call center.”
But we leave the idea of it being a call center. Because it’s really not about being a call center. This business is driving outcomes for other companies and how they interact with people.